
0.Short Intro.

our team using the similar stack with lean.


  • Desktop: Electron
  • Mobile: Ionic + Cordova Plugin


Material-Design for Angularjs’s Desktop apps. Ionic-Material for Angularjs’s Mobile apps.


Laravel for normal HTTP REST API. Golang for Internet of Thing’s Socket API & our Gis System.

RAML for generating SDK files both of front/back-end. Admiring that RAML1.0 is comming.


  • Postgresql(for gis) we like it very much.
  • MongoDB(for user & sns)

A developping project for old-age caring, in chinese is, 智康宝. http://www.zkkj168.com/

Embeded Software

  • stm32
  • Arm A Series
  • Arm M Series

1.The Hope for lean

Feature One: a good Layout Builder for Angularjs & Material-Design(with drag & drop)

It’s good for faster UI building. Maybe this hope is for a serial of Develop Tools. Only for a framework, a best yeoman-generator is enough.

Feature Two: support for RAML(Document Extend is important for a complete project)

You know, the Angulajs’s Team is supporting RAML too. It’s good for the Restful API & Better consistency of json data. raml2html is good.

npm install raml2html --save

Feature Three: Considering the update of Angularjs 2

we pursuing the next generation.


微信关注:ryanemax (刘雨飏)
授权协议: CC BY-SA 4.0