
0.Short Intro. our team using the similar stack with lean. Front-End: Desktop: Electron Mobile: Ionic + Cordova Plugin Design Material-Design for Angularjs’s Desktop apps. Ionic-Material for Angularjs’s Mobile apps. Back-End Laravel for normal HTTP REST API. Golang for Internet of Thing’s Socket API & our Gis System. RAML for generating SDK files both of front/back-end. Admiring that RAML1.0 is comming. Database Postgresql(for gis) we like it very much. MongoDB(for user


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Golang database/sql & GORM

0.Models写法技巧及Migration标准 法则 基本满足大驼峰命名法则 首字母大写 “_” 忽略后大写 实例 device_id 对应 DeviceID create_time 对应 CreateTime location 对应 Location 官方实例 type User struct {


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CMS built with Laravel

October CMS https://octobercms.com/ https://github.com/octobercms/october watch 323 star 3388 fork 753 The Best & Beatutiful 167 Plugins 32 Themes Doptor https://github.com/Doptor/Doptor watch 22 star 79 fork 52 企业信息发布,CMS&EMS Theme少需要定制 Refer to “A list of CMSs built with Laravel” from: http://maxoffsky.com/code-blog/list-cmss-built-laravel/ Yesterday Ryan Tablada organized a